Posted 21.2.2019
David Lewis from Pembrokeshire, lambs a large flock of polled Dorset’s in September, commercial ewes in December for the Easter market and more commercials early spring, so mid February to mid March. He has used the Trusti Tuber Lamb Colostrum Feeder and is very pleased with it.
“It works well” with the hook being a key feature. The unit is hooked on a gate, the lambs legs are held with the left hand, the right hand is used to slide the tube down and then put the milk in the container. “Its about having a spare hand … The container is bigger than others” on the market. “The bead on the end helps as it is more comfortable for the lamb as the tube is going down” and “In the cold weather the tube stays flexible”.
To view more information on Trusti Tuber Lamb + Kid Colostrum Feeder, please click here.