Milk Bar Milk-Kart
The Milk Kart allows you to refill multiple Milk Bar feeders quickly and easily with no lifting or carrying buckets. ...
ViewJobe Protect-A-Mount
Quickly and easily attaches to your trough or tank, To mount and protect your Rojo or Topaz Valve, without the use of...
ViewJobe Vortex Differential
Ideal for use in water tanks which are filled by a pressure system controlled water pump. The valve gives a level...
ViewJobe Topaz Differential
Ideal for use in water tanks which are filled by a pressure system controlled water pump. The valve gives a level...
ViewJobe Vortex Partfill
High flow valve intended for use in rain water harvesting tanks. Automatically maintain a low level of water in the tank during...
ViewJobe Rojo Partfill
A low flow valve intended for use in rain water harvesting tanks. Automatically maintain a low level of water in the tank...
ViewJobe Topaz Partfill
A high flow valve intended for use in rain water harvesting tanks. Automatically maintain a low level of water in the tank...
ViewJobe Vortex Float Valve
Float operated valves for use in automatic filling of water tanks, troughs, cisterns etc. Configured for above water mounting. The float...